“My daughter's milk teeth have still not fallen. What is the normal age?”
My daughter is 7 years old and her baby teeth still have not fallen out. What is the normal age for baby teeth to fall out?
11 Answers
6-7 is about when the first lower incisors are being shed. Some can be delayed Good time to take a panorex to access development under the gums!
Usually at the age of 6-7 years, baby teeth (beginning with the bottom front two) start falling out. Some children though may begin shedding baby teeth a year or two later. Either way, I would recommend you take her to your dentist for a check-up to make sure there is not an abnormality or cause for them to not be starting to get loose.
Hope this helps!
Usually at the age of 6-7 years, baby teeth (beginning with the bottom front two) start falling out. Some children though may begin shedding baby teeth a year or two later. Either way, I would recommend you take her to your dentist for a check-up to make sure there is not an abnormality or cause for them to not be starting to get loose.
Hope this helps!
Every child is different. Usually around age 5.5 to 7 years old. If she still has not lost any, I would have her dentist take a few X-rays to see where they are.
Children have their own timetable. Visit your local licensed dentist or pedodontic (child) dental specialist to assess your own daughter's teeth and oral health. Sometimes a tooth will not "fall out" because an adult tooth simply isn't there to take its place. Sometimes the adult tooth is misplaced and needs to be "nudged" into place by the dentist or orthodontist. Sometimes the mouth is very crowded and the orthodontist must intercede.
Only a licensed dental professional, taking dental radiographs and perhaps models (impressions) can give you the answer you are asking.
Only a licensed dental professional, taking dental radiographs and perhaps models (impressions) can give you the answer you are asking.
This is probably a good thing. There is no way of predicting when primary teeth fall out, but the older the child, the more mature and capable of cleaning the permanent tooth replacement.
One answer to your question lies in the answer to this question: at what age did your daughter first teeth erupt into the mouth? The timetable for the exchange of baby teeth is dependent upon the growth timetable of the baby teeth. If she received them towards the later part of the range table then she'll exchange them a little later than her peers. It's best to check with her pediatric dentist to make sure she's on track.
The first baby teeth on average begin to fall out around 6-7 years old. However, many kids vary in age when they lose them - and it often mirrors when they got their first baby teeth as an infant. On average babies get their first teeth around 6 months old. Babies that get their very first teeth later, 7, 8, 9+ months, will tend to get their permanent teeth in later as well. If your daughter has seen a dentist and they have taken x-rays of the front teeth - which is often a routine diagnostic procedure about every 12 months, they may be able to tell you how close the permanent teeth are to growing in. If your daughter has not seen a dentist recently or ever, I would recommend taking her to a pediatric dentist soon for an evaluation.
The age varies for when kids begin to lose teeth and get the new ones in. Normally, the front teeth do start to fall out between the ages of 5-7. A dentist can simply take an X-ray and give you a more thorough timetable.
Girls are about a year-and-a-half ahead of boys in terms of their eruption so anywhere from 6 to 8 give or take depending on the approximation of the end of the root of the baby tooth which is not come out, and the tip of the permanent tooth that is to replace it.