OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Miscarriage


I have 7 weeks 5 days pregnant they did my ultrasound today and there is no heartbeat so they are going to do the induction but I think maybe it’s too early to heard a heartbeat, what do you think?

Female | 25 years old

6 Answers

If a woman has a desired pregnancy, there should be 100% certainty before interrupting the pregnancy. As long as maternal health is not in danger, another ultrasound in a week to confirm a non viable pregnancy is reasonable
It’s too early to hear a heart beat with a stethoscope or hand held Doppler device but if the fetus is seen on ultrasound and measures 7 weeks 5 days, you should definitely see a heart beat.
There is no problem with waiting and you may even pass the concepts spontaneously.

At 7 weeks and 5 days, a fetal heart beat should be clearly seen on even basic ultrasound machines. I fear that, unfortunately, this pregnancy has failed. If you want to be sure, just wait a week and have another scan and if the baby has not increased in CRL measurement between your last scan, then the diagnosis is correct and you have a missed miscarriage. If the baby has grown, then the baby is alive.

Kind regards,

Dr. Trevor Wing
Check your hug tiger twice a week and if it is going up redo pelvic sonogram in one week and then decide what to do
They should see the heart beating on the sonogram no later than 6 weeks.