“Are mommy make-overs safe?”
I have had 3 children, and have tried to get my body back exercise and healthy eating- with no success. Is the mommy make-over procedure safe?
7 Answers
Hello. Yes, as long as you’re healthy and you go to a qualified cosmetic or plastic surgeon, you should be perfectly fine. You can also visit my website at DrRoya.com for further information and assistance. Good luck to you!
All surgery has risks, and the mommy makeover is a rather large surgery. Serious risks are more likely to occur in patients who are older, overweight, smoke, or take hormones or birth control pills. The risk is lowest, but still present in those who are younger, thin, with body mass index less than 25, non-smokers and who are not taking or who have discontinued the use of any hormones. The more serious risks include pulmonary embolus, heart attack, stroke, and death. These are more common in the first patient group mentioned above and much less common in the second group. They are also surgical risks specific to the abdominal plasty and breast surgery involved. These include infection bleeding, fluid collections, scarring beyond the usual. One should read about these risks and discuss them at length with the surgeon.
Yes, mommy makeover is done safely when performed with the following criteria: performed by a board certified plastic surgeon, anesthesia by a board certified anesthesiologist, and surgery at a hospital based surgery center.
A mommy makeover is a safe procedure when done with a board-certified plastic surgeon by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. It is very important to ensure the experience and credentials of your surgeon are correct as there are many people marketing themselves as qualified in doing these procedures.
If you go to a board certified plastic surgeon who operates in a certified operating room and they seem reasonable, then it should be a safe procedure. You also should be a normal weight with a BMI below 30 -- or closer to 25. Go for a consultation and get your answers.
William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.
William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.
"Mommy Makeover" is a term used to describe a surgical procedure that involves the breast and abdomen. These procedures combined would be done in an accredited hospital, with a board certified anesthesiologist requiring the patient to stay overnight.
Mommy make-overs require surgery. Mommy make-overs generally include body contouring procedures, such as liposuction and tummy tucks, and breast procedures, such as breast lifts, breast augmentations, and even breast reductions. These are all to help you gain back your youthful body. As with any surgery, there are certain risks and possible complications. We cannot 100% assure that none will occur. Mommy make-overs for most people are safe procedures. It is important that you seek consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss all your concerns and explain all potential risks involved. As a plastic surgeon, I am trained to know and understand these risks. I am trained to avoid problems and to know how to treat them when they occur. To assure you are in the best possible hands, please see a board certified plastic surgeon who is well experienced in mommy make-overs and one who uses certified operating room facilities.