“My baby was born 6 weeks early, what are the risks?”
My baby was born at 34 weeks and we are worried if she will have any health problems. What health issues could she develop from being a premature baby?
3 Answers
Your baby is a late preterm infant. She may have breathing problems, immature feeding skills, difficulty feeding, keeping herself warm, may have exaggerated jaundice and other problems of prematurity, in addition to other risks for infections, etc., that may have lead to her being born early. There also can be long-term effects, however, in general they are not as severe as would be if she was more premature. Please refer to more detailed information at the AAP website about late preterm infants, and discuss with your baby's pediatrician her specific needs.
Most babies that are born at this gestational age do very well if given proper care. At 34 weeks, I would expect your baby to be in a neonatal intensive care unit, perhaps for days or perhaps for weeks depending on the circumstances.. The closer that we can get to a full 40 weeks before delivery the better most babies do in the long run. Some of the problems that we see are immature lungs, infections, gastrointestinal issues, poor mental function etc. I will repeat however that the majority of the babies that are born today at 34 weeks will go on and live perfectly normal lives.