“My son feels dizzy after running. What could be causing this?”
My son complains of dizziness and headaches, especially after he runs. He's always has been pretty active, so this just seems odd. We aren't sure of why this is and if it should be a cause of concern. What is causing this?
2 Answers
There are many possible factors that can have an influence on the situation. Only one of them, that is, heart issues, can be serious. When a person exercises, the heart rate goes up, and the blood pressure increases. This is necessary for the blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the muscles that are being exercised. It is quite a complex process, but the short end of the long story is that this activity is steered by what may be likened to a supply and demand routine. When the activity is reduced, supply also is reduced, and the body goes back to its resting state. During the wind down time, it is quite common to feel different, that is a little discomfiture, depending on how strenuous the exercise has been. If the symptoms described subside spontaneously after a short period, there is most likely nothing to worry about. However, if the symptoms are strong and do not subside quickly, your son should consult a physician and have his post exercise condition checked, because it could be an arrhythmia that is behind the symptoms. Even in this scenario, there is most likely a good treatment available, but that would entail a cardiologist. Allow me to stress that this is only in the situation where the symptoms are strong and do not subside quickly.