“My son has become reliant on taking Tylenol?”
My 17 year old son had a sprained ankle and took Tylenol often for it. Now he has Tylenol every day and his pain is gone. What to do?
4 Answers
That’s good that the pain is gone, now see if he needs a ankle brace or ankle wrap for extra support, assuming nothing is broken. Then after a few days ease off on the Tylenol. Hope that helps, call his pediatrician if you have any concerns.
Tylenol is very dangerous as it can cause liver damage. It should not be used long term nor in high doses. This needs to be stopped; if he is unwilling you need to get a professional involved.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is not considered to be addictive nor do people usually become dependent on it. One can develop a habit or routine, however, due to some other need, however.