“Are there any natural ways to get rid of a stye?”
I have a recurrent problem of a stye in my eyes. I am tired of putting drops in every time. Is there any natural way to get rid of styes?
7 Answers

Jason Randall Smith
Styes are usually the result of a blocked gland on the skin of the eyelid margins. "Eyelid hygiene" is cleaning or washing the eyelids with "no more tears" baby shampoo in order to remove bacteria or "debris" that can form on these eyelid margins. I am concerned about the "drops" that you are using. There are too many drops on the market and since your problem has not gone away, I would consult an eye doctor since this is a recurring problem. An eye doctor will be able to look under a bio- microscope in order to look at the eyelid margins more closely. And if any eye drop, lubricant, or eye medication is necessary, you would be in better hands rather than self-treating your ongoing problem.
You cannot use hot compresses enough (4+ times per day). Check out the ones that you can microwave that will stay hot for at least 5 min. You, however, may need to be seen by a Dr as you might need more intense treatment (esp if you get styes frequently) and sometimes recurring styes are a sign of inflammation caused by a parasitic infestation. Treatable, but you may need a Drs help.
In order to get rid of a stye, the eyelids must be cleaned with an eyelid cleanser twice per day. A clean lid will prevent debris, pollen, skin, and oild from clogging the glands. Next you need to do warm compresses with an eye mask for 10 minutes twice per day.
The most natural way is to do hot compresses (but not scalding hot). Do them 2 to 3 times a day for 5 minutes at a time. This should help resolve may take a week or so. But if condition gets worse you should see your eye doctor.
To relieve most styes, you can use warm compresses 3 to 4 times a day (15-20 minutes each time). You can easily make your own warm compress by placing some raw rice grains into a new clean sock (small round size like a small potato) and then use a microwave to heat it for about one minute. Be careful your warm compress is NOT too hot that when you place it gently on your affected eyelid with the stye. I would recommend performing the warm compresses for about a week or until stye resolves. If your stye doesn't resolve in about 2-3 weeks, the I would recommend visiting an eye care professional to determine the cause.