“After my tumor surgery I have headache often. Why?s”
I got operated for a brain tumor recently. However, ever since the surgery I have a headache often. Is it normal after brain surgery?
4 Answers
Headaches are a common complaint of people who do not have brain tumors also. The headaches you are having now may be related, and may not. Surgery in some areas, especially the back of the head is more prone to be associated with headaches after surgery. You should definitely be evaluated by your surgeon, or by a neurologist to assure that there is no problem causing the headache that may need attention.
There is no normal after brain surgery. Some people have headaches, some don't. If you are concerned, tell your surgeon. But if your surgeon is not concerned, don't be surprised.
Oftentimes after any cranial surgery patients will complain of some headache. These are usually self-limited and usually last a few days to a few weeks. They can be worse if the muscle to the jaw was detached on the skull and oftentimes are triggered by eating and talking. This usually calms down in a few days to a few weeks. Persistent headaches especially those in the morning that don't go away could be worrisome for further problems I would discuss it with your surgeon if this has been a persistent problem.