“How can I overcome negativity at my work place?”
I am currently employed with a leading bank and get very good pay. However, I am unhappy about the fact that I am surrounded with a lot of negativity at my work place, which leaves me feeling almost depressed and even bored. How can I look beyond the negativity and see the positive side of my job?
8 Answers
You might want to pay attention to other people possibly getting competitive and a little bit jealous of you and your position at work. The workplace competitiveness and emotional abuse is very high, especially when you work for big corporations. Talk to yourself nicely and let yourself know that you are an excellent employee and you deserve the job that you have. Don’t let their negativity get in your way, it’s only their problems that they are projecting onto you.
I would suggest thinking about what you value about your job beyond pay. I know pay is very important for quality of life but research had shown variables outside of play influence job and personnel satisfaction. I am referencing social support, degree of challenge, etc. If your company has an employee assistance program, they can st up counseling fre of charge. Ask your HR department.
It sounds like you have identified one positive aspect. Perhaps you can consider in more detail how very good pay impacts your life. Does it have a positive impact on your emotional or physical well being? Does it allow you to provide for, support or help family, friends or other people in need? Do you have the means to buy things or go places you enjoy? In addition, you may want to consider the service you provide others directly or indirectly. How do you benefit others in the short-term or long-term with the skills you offer? Can you make a difference simply by the way you communicate to others i.e. with respect, kindness, encouragement or patience? Also, you may want to pause and take pride in your abilities and achievements and remember the challenges you overcame to attain your current position. Finally, maybe you can take these suggestions and help your colleagues feel more positive about their lives.
Naomi T. Jacobs, Ph.D.
Naomi T. Jacobs, Ph.D.
Go review the video called "For the Love of IT" by Dewitt Jones at the Star Thrower website. There are seven key concepts noted - review each. Should help you make the correct mental adjustment to your work life. The seven concepts are: (1) start each day with a full cup (2) find guides (3) act as if you have a full cup (4) express gratitude (5) seek the light (6) pass it on and (7) make a contribution.
Deborah R. Wagner
It may be helpful to politely disengage from negative conversation. You can focus on the positive or turn conversations to more positive subjects. Remember, you cannot change others’ behavior. You can only change your own.
Work stress can be tough because we spend so much time there. Sounds like you could benefit from taking a personal inventory to identify what’s important to you. Here are a few questions you may find helpful: Would I be bored at this job even if the people weren’t negative? How can I be cordial to my coworkers without promoting their negativity? Is the reputation and pay of my job worth the sacrifice of my mental health?
Jonathan W. Marcotte
Unfortunately, our environment makes a huge difference on how we feel about ourselves and others and we cannot change others. I recommend counseling to help you explore why this environment affects you (and not others) in such a negative way, as well as to develop more healthy coping skills to deal with this stress. If the negativity is completely overwhelming with no end in sight, then you may need to rethink how much you want to remain in this environment as it has a significant impact on your mental health. I hope this helps!
There is no special trick. You might need to consider another job before you become negative and not even know it. Money is not worth getting any disorder. I have left many jobs because of not being happy. I learned to work for myself and suffer in that manner and learn to not having a paycheck every Friday, etc. Then I worry about getting paid and I even do pro bono work and money is not worth being unhappy.