“How do I overcome negativity in my life?”
I have accepted that I am a very negative person and feel like everything is hopeless and nothing is worth my time. How do I overcome this feeling for myself?
10 Answers
Please seek out therapy with a cognitive behavior therapist, where the therapist can help you counter/rebut these negatively spiraling thoughts. You will learn to work with your mind in ways that are more constructive for you, and where you will have more control over what and how and when you feel. It's actually very easy to learn this, especially with some mindfulness techniques. Good luck to you!
Ilene Glance
Counselor | Mental Health
I would work with a therapist or focus on changing negative thoughts and making them realistic
Dear Madam/Sir,
Recognizing that your negativity is a problem is a starting point. One thing you can do is imagine a STOP sign, every time you find yourself engaging in a negative thought. STOP the negative thought that leads to negative feelings. Then replace it with a Neutral or a Positive thought. Do this consistently and break the habit of engaging in negative thoughts.
It will also help when you STOP labeling yourself as negative. Because when you engage in negative thinking your subconscious mind considers that as your command and will follow through on your order and ensure that it will generate negative energies and negative outcomes to please you! This creates a vicious cycle which then leads to your feelings of hopelessness.
I would suggest read Norman Vincent Peale's "The Power of Positive Thinking", and His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama's "The Art of Happiness." Also consider seeking help from a licensed psychologist and get to the roots of your wounds that make you unhappy and negative. Heal those wounds and move forward. Remember that had you not been worthy you would not have received a human birth. So, take care.
Dr. Lata Sonpal
Recognizing that your negativity is a problem is a starting point. One thing you can do is imagine a STOP sign, every time you find yourself engaging in a negative thought. STOP the negative thought that leads to negative feelings. Then replace it with a Neutral or a Positive thought. Do this consistently and break the habit of engaging in negative thoughts.
It will also help when you STOP labeling yourself as negative. Because when you engage in negative thinking your subconscious mind considers that as your command and will follow through on your order and ensure that it will generate negative energies and negative outcomes to please you! This creates a vicious cycle which then leads to your feelings of hopelessness.
I would suggest read Norman Vincent Peale's "The Power of Positive Thinking", and His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama's "The Art of Happiness." Also consider seeking help from a licensed psychologist and get to the roots of your wounds that make you unhappy and negative. Heal those wounds and move forward. Remember that had you not been worthy you would not have received a human birth. So, take care.
Dr. Lata Sonpal
Unfortunately, our thoughts control our actions. It appears this individual is so absorbed in her self-made misery that she has no gratitude or can't recognize and be grateful for what she has. OUR ATTITUDES AND VALUES DICTATE OUR BEHAVIOR, SO SHE CHOOSES TO BE MISERABLE. EACH PERSON IS IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT OF LIFE AND MAKES CHOICES.
There has to be something each day that is not negative! Find it and focus on it. Things Can Always Be Worse!
These feelings have been baked in for a long time. It would be good if you could trace their origins and be able to assign them to the people who likely taught them to you, in order not to hear them as your own opinions. Therapy - individual and/or group - would be the way to go. My choice would be for a psychodynamically-oriented professional - Psychologist, social worker, or counselor. Most psychiatrists tend to go the medication route. But some are also psychodynamic practitioners.
Why lead your one life in negativity! Good for you for confronting this attitude and trying a new road.
Marian Shapiro
Licensed Psychologist
Why lead your one life in negativity! Good for you for confronting this attitude and trying a new road.
Marian Shapiro
Licensed Psychologist
You are on the right track! Use your insight to figure out what fuels your negativity: is it insecurity of your own gifts, envy of something, feeling alone, pessimism over ever succeeding, feeling unliked. What about yourself could possibly distance others? Difficult questions but worth the qwest
I am a strong believer in “you become what you think”. You might want to go see a psychiatrist to see if you might actually be depressed or you just think negatively. Either way, cognitive behavioral therapy would work wonders for short term therapy. However, if you want to heal and are willing to go in more depth of understanding yourself, I would highly recommend seeing an analyst of some sort.
Sometimes we are our own worse enemy. The more you tell yourself that you are worthless and negative, the more you will reach that goal. We have free will and you are wasting your time and energy feeling negative. You have the power to wash that all away and change your mind about yourself. We are all love and light and we are not what you think at all. Don’t feel sorry for yourself and believe you are wonderful and beautiful and you deserve the very best. You can heal yourself and begin thinking you are much better than you have been thinking before. We are never alone and we are always loved. Learn to realize this and see the positive signs. ❤️
Consider watching the video at Starthrower.com called "For The Love of IT by Dewitt Jones. There are seven key concepts illustrated in the video - they are noted on the web page associated with the video. Also, consider "Kill the ANTS (Automatic Negative Thoughts" by DR. Amen and also apply thought stopping with positive replacement.