Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Diabetic Nephropathy

I am having a lot of pain in my legs. Could it be diabetic neuropathy?

I am experiencing severe pain in my legs. It feels like the nerves are pulling. Could it be diabetic neuropathy?

2 Answers

Usually with neuropathy, there is no pulling. There is first a tingling, then a burning. The feet may be tender to touch. One of the first sensations to go with neuropathy is vibration. I use a tuning fork to see if the patient can feel vibration. Do the sheets hurt? Do the feet feel cold? Pulling doesn't sound right to me, but it could be neuropathy. I have seen stranger things.


Dr. Norwood, Board Certified Endocrinologist
Yes it could be. You did not tell me exactly where the pain in the legs is or what brings it on. It could be neuropathy although this usually starts in the feet & works up. The other possibility is so sclerosis of the arteries. You need to see 1) a good diabetes specialist as neuropathy is reversible , if it has not progressed too far that the nerves are completely dead. Improved diabetes control can reverse it. 2) see a Dr whose practice is periferal vascular disease and get a Doppler ultrasound exam to see if your periferal circulation is ok. 3) see a neurologist and have a electronic test for neuropathy. Above all get your diabetes in good control with what ever means neccessary.