General Practitioner Questions Abdomen pain

Pain under the abdomen on the left side

I get a pain under the abdomen on the left side whenever I am on my feet for a long time. What kind of doctor should I see?

Female | 59 years old
Complaint duration: About a year

8 Answers

Gastrointestinal Doctor
See your GP to exclude a hernia
Speak to your internist about the pain
Recurrent abdominal pain after being upright for a long time needs to rule out a lot of things, especially a hernia. You should talk to your family doctor about this pain. After doing a physical exam, they can tell you if you need any further investigation.
Primary care first.
I would start with a visit to either an internal medicine or family practice specialist.
You can see an internal medicine or family practice physician. They should be able to diagnose.
I would recommend seeing a Family Medicine doctor to be evaluated and examined. He/She would then be able to provide you further direction of a specialist or imaging studies that you would need to see or get.