“What type of diagnostic test is recommended for abdomen pain?”
My mother is having some pain in the abdomen that she is not able to explain clearly. What kind of diagnostic testing would be recommended for her?
9 Answers
Firstly, by USG as it's quick, easily available, can be done in the bedside, and reasonably inexpensive.
Abdominal and pelvic CT.
Imaging of the abdomen should include:
PA & Lateral View’s of the Chest
KUB & Erect Plain Film View’s of the abdomen
Followed by either Ultrasound or CT Scans of the abdomen
Lab work:
Urine Analysis
Comprehensive evaluation of liver enzymes, etc.
PA & Lateral View’s of the Chest
KUB & Erect Plain Film View’s of the abdomen
Followed by either Ultrasound or CT Scans of the abdomen
Lab work:
Urine Analysis
Comprehensive evaluation of liver enzymes, etc.
Difficult to answer with limited info. Generally an abdominal ultrasound is done first followed if needed by a CT. However different work up may be needed depending on symptoms and other findings. Would see her doctor first and follow his or her recommendations.
The best, easiest test to visualize the whole abdomen and pelvis would be a CT scan, with intravenous contrast if there is no history of kidney disease