Prosthodontist Questions Oral fungal infections

What is the way to prevent fungal infections of the mouth?

I am a diabetes patient and I am on insulin twice a day. I have been told that diabetic patients are often prone to oral fungal infections. What are the best ways to prevent these fungal infections?

12 Answers

Being thorough and consistent with your oral hygiene goes the furthest in preventing dental problems including excess fungal formation. Many patients on recurring doses of antibiotics will see an increase in fungal infection. Talk with your physician to make sure to have any possible alternatives to long-term antibiotics. Eating a healthy diet and providing needed nutrients also keeps body and its tissues more healthy.
Hygiene, brushing, flossing, rinses and Periodic visits with the Hygienist
Keep your mouth very clean and consult your physcian
Good hygiene and stay away from putting your dirty fingers in your mouth, make sure you floss often and brush twice daily. Do not use any mouthwash that may contain alcohol.
Clean everything as much as possible. That means brushing when you wake up, after breakfast, after lunch, after dinner, and before bedtime. Flossing is also very important. Then use a mouth rinse which is alcohol free. You may want to try a tongue scraper also. Try your best to keep your sugar controlled. There are meds which your Dentist can provide.
Avoid unnecessary antibiotics, make sure your mouth is always clean, brush with a soft toothbrush, floss and use a water pick to remove food particles.
Have your dentist check and clean your teeth 3-4 times a year.
Due to diabetic condition you will need to do great oral hygiene, and see your dentist more often for preventative maintenance! That will help you immensely. The use of antibiotics can also cause increase risk of fungal infections.
Good oral hygiene
There are several rinses that can help you. With a mild infection using hydrogen peroxide 3-5 times a day may do the trick. Prescription Chlorhexidine rinses or anti-fungal ointments may also help if more moderate or severe cases. Good oral hygiene and frequent three month maintenance appointments are the best way to prevent an infection from developing. Diabetic patients should be seen more than twice a year because your are more prone to periodontal disease.
Most of the fungal infections (Yeast) are related to wearing removable appliances like partial or full dentures and orthodontic retainers. Also can be related to a disbalance in the normal flora in the mouth like taking antibiotics. Stress can cause also a disbalance. If you are taking medications or you have been under stress like emotional or sometimes a flu or a cold, you should follow up with your physician. If you are wearing a removable appliance you must remove it at night to allow gums to breath and relax. Your appliance should be soak overnight in water and you can add a FEW drops of regular bleach you use for clothes to kill any fungus present in your denture. MAKE SURE TO RINSE WELL IN THE MORNING YOUR DENTURE BEFORE GOES INTO YOUR MOUTH!. You will need to see your dentist also to have an antifungal medication to fight the infection.
Keep great oral hygiene. Make sure that you do your daily flossing and brushing at least twice a day.
Fungal infections thrive on sugar. If you keep your sugar levels at normal levels the fungus won’t be able to multiply. In addition, when patients take antibiotics their risk for fungal infections increase because the antibiotics kill the good bacteria and the fungus takes over. If you take probiotics you can repopulate your body with good bacteria and help prevent the fungus from thriving.