Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) Questions Mental Disorders

Can someone with psychiatric problem enjoy married life?

I am suffering psychiatric problems for the last 3 years. I am now 32 years old and my husband has been very patient throughout my treatment phase. I want to understand can i ever be a happily married person or will my psychiatric problem always be an interference in the same?

4 Answers

Psychiatric problems can indeed pose challenges in a marriage, but they do not necessarily prevent happiness. With proper treatment, support, and effective communication, it is possible to have a fulfilling and happily married life despite the presence of psychiatric issues.

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I suggest you talk to a family consultant and a psychologist about your concern. They can help you better than I can.
Psychiatrists are skilled at determining chemical imbalances and managing these with Rx meds. Many people with psych (and non psych) issues live happy and content lives as long as they remain in chemical balance and have a supportive family, church, job. Loss of faith in yourself can be the biggest negative
Of course you can. If you have an understanding of your mental health problem, seek out experts that can help you achieve the best life possible.