Dentist Questions Tooth implant

What are my options for replacing a missing tooth?

I recently had a tooth knocked out by accident. What are my options for replacing this missing tooth?

20 Answers

A missing tooth or several teeth can be replaced by an implant with a crown, or a bridge or a removable partial denture.
Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth. If there is not enough bone, then a bridge that covers the missing tooth with a fake tooth is another option. Lastly, a removable partial denture may be an option as well.
It all depends on where the missing tooth is located. Several options, of implants, fixed bridge, or removable partial denture. Too complicated to answer in this forum. Seek the advice of a skilled restorative dentist and get an appointment for a consultation.
If the space of the missing tooth is not too big, braces is a good option to close this space.

A bridge between the neighbor teeth is another option

An implant sometimes is the most predictable solution.
There are various options.First is to replace with implant, second or alternative option can be a bridge and third can be a partial.You have to see a dentist for detailing of each.
If the teeth adjacent to the space are in perfect shape, no fillings, the best approach is an implant. If these adjacent teeth are already heavily restored, or if you don’t want an implant, a fixed bridge is a very good treatment.
Fortunately you have many options in order of most conservative to more expensive yet ideal due to minimal trauma to surrounding teeth or permanence of restoration replacing your missing tooth.

1. Don't replace at all, however doing this may eventually lead to the other teeth shifting and other dental issues to arise.

2. Have a removable partial denture made to replace the missing tooth. As its name suggests, this will need to be removed and cleaned.

3. Make a permanent bridge to replace the missing tooth. While this is a permanent solution, you do have to prepare the other 2 teeth on either side to anchor the missing tooth.

4. Replace the missing tooth with a single implant. While many people think implants are expensive, their value lies in the fact that you don't touch any of your natural teeth so you minimize the risk of replacing a bridge should decay occur in the connecting teeth.
I hope stating these options help you make a decision. Of course, the final decision should be made after consulting with your own dentist so that he/she can evaluate your mouth, gums, bone levels, etc., since these may also determine the treatment course of action you choose.
The options for replacement are either removable or fixed. Removable treatment includes removable partial denture or a flipper. Fixed treatment would be a bridge or implant with crown.
There are plenty of options for replacing missing teeth including implants, bridges and dentures. These remedies will vary in durability, aesthetics and cost. Talk to a dentist to learn your options and which is best for you.
There are 3 ways to replace a missing tooth, 1- removable partial denture, 2- fixed bridge, 3- implant. All have pros and cons and are patient specific.
Most likely this is a front tooth. The best option is an implant, although a tooth borne bridge is another option.
A partial denture or a flipper is 1 simple method which is relatively inexpensive. The second would be a fixed partial denture composed of a tooth on either side of missing tooth being prepared as Anchorage. Third remedy which is less utilized due to expense is an implant.
There are essentially 3 options to replace a single missing tooth:

1. A removable partial denture - which will need to cover the roof of the mouth if the missing too is on top or wrap around if in the lower to have stability and retention. Patients tend not to wear these for a single missing tooth due to their bulk.

2. A dental implant - this replaces the missing tooth and, when restored, the patient has essentially what was there before the trauma that knocked the tooth out. They have a single crown not attached to the adjacent teeth that can be flossed around and replicates a natural tooth.

3. A fixed bridge - This requires the tooth on the right and left of the missing tooth to be prepared and a fixed bridge is made that is cemented to the teeth and not removable by the patient. The result looks like individual teeth, but due to the connection between the units of the bridge, one cannot floss between them.

With trauma leading to loss of a tooth, the adjacent teeth should be evaluated to check if any damage has occurred to those teeth. This could be a crack in the root or trauma to the nerve in the tooth which may require root canal treatment. This can be evaluated with an X-ray and increasing sensitivity to these teeth to pressure to chewing and temperature (hot or cold). It is not unusual to have some sensitivity following the trauma, but this should decrease over a few weeks following the trauma. If it's increasing or persists after contact with food or beverages that are hot or cold, that is indicative of issues that should be evaluated.

Hope this helps,

There are three basic options for tooth replacement. The first and cheapest is a removable partial denture. It comes in and out but looks just like a tooth. The second is a fixed bridge. It is cemented in and does not come out, but is anchored to the two adjacent teeth. The third option is a dental implant that is again cemented in place and doesn’t affect other teeth. It consists of a surgery and takes the longest time to complete.
There are typically 3 options depending on where the missing tooth is and if it is surrounded by adjacent teeth. Option 1 is dental implant, option 2 is dental bridge, and option 3 is a partial. The difference between the 3 are located at:
There are different options in replacing your teeth; is it the two front teeth or back teeth? The state of your oral health has to be put into account before any definite treatment is to be considered. I will recommend you see a dentist for any further treatment.
Common options would be a dental bridge, a partial removable denture, or an implant. If you are a candidate, an implant is the way to go as it doesn't damage the teeth around the missing tooth, and you treat it just like a normal tooth when it is finished.
You have multiple options:

-Removable partial denture
-A bridge
-An implant

Sorry to hear that! Regarding your options, you have a few. If possible an implant would be best, 2nd best would be a fixed bridge and, lastly, if cost/insurance coverage is an issue, then the last option would be a removable partial denture, often referred to as a "flipper."
Good luck.

Best regards,

Owen M. Waldman, DMD
Options for a missing tooth are implants, a fixed bridge, a bonded bridge or a removable replacement.