Family Practitioner Questions Yoga

What are the risks in practicing yoga during pregnancy?

I want to start practicing yoga to clear my mind from some things. Are there any risk factors that I should be aware of when I'm pregnant?

5 Answers

None that I am aware. Just avoid HOT yoga and check with your midwife/OB before starting any exercise regimen.
Actually yoga and other positional-based exercise can be greatly beneficial to help with the aches and pains that are commonplace in second and third trimester pregnancy. Aside from the obvious issues with laying on your stomach late in the pregnancy, there isn't much you need to watch out for, just take it slow.
If you have been practicing yoga before pregnancy you can continue. Be aware of later on in pregnancy as there is a risk of injury yourself with hyperextension of back and limbs.
In later pregnancy, you may want to avoid lying in savasana/“corpse pose” for long periods as the uterus can compress blood flow in the vena cava due to its size. I would also avoid Bikram/hot yoga during pregnancy. Otherwise, yoga is a great way to maintain flexibility and help with relaxation in pregnancy and in general.
Yoga is great for pregnant bodies! You just need to be mindful not to over stretch, since your body is producing relaxin, and as you progress in your pregnancy, you’ll want to avoid lying flat in your back for extended periods of time.