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Ruhee Jaffer


Dr. Ruhee Jaffer is a Dentist practicing in Fairfax, VA. Dr. Jaffer specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures, and performing examinations, among many others.
Ruhee Jaffer
  • Fairfax, VA
  • Accepting new patients

Can a filling turn into a root canal?

The short answer is yes. The extent of the decay/bacteria will determine how inflamed the pulp (or the nerve) of the tooth becomes. If the decay reaches closer to the nerve, then READ MORE
The short answer is yes. The extent of the decay/bacteria will determine how inflamed the pulp (or the nerve) of the tooth becomes. If the decay reaches closer to the nerve, then that "filling" may turn into a "root canal"

How do dentists put sealants on teeth?

Sealants are a non invasive preventive procedure whereby the dentist will clean the grooves of the tooth and then apply a thin layer of the sealant material. The sealant material READ MORE
Sealants are a non invasive preventive procedure whereby the dentist will clean the grooves of the tooth and then apply a thin layer of the sealant material. The sealant material is usually a resin and will prevent bacteria from the chewing surfaces of the tooth

Why do my teeth smell bad when I floss?

The smell usually comes from byproducts produced by bacteria that are between your teeth and food that may be wedged in your teeth

Root canal?

There is probably a reinfection of the canal. Usually in the first visit a partial root canal is completed whereby the nerve is removed and a temporary medication is placed to READ MORE
There is probably a reinfection of the canal. Usually in the first visit a partial root canal is completed whereby the nerve is removed and a temporary medication is placed to help the tooth heal. However the completion of the root canal is imperative for a successful treatment and to prevent relapse and reinfection.

How can you cure gum disease without a dentist?

Short answer - it depends. If your gum disease is in the early "reversible" phase i.e gingivitis - yes with good oral hygiene techniques and a good professional dental cleaning. READ MORE
Short answer - it depends. If your gum disease is in the early "reversible" phase i.e gingivitis - yes with good oral hygiene techniques and a good professional dental cleaning. If you have irreversible gum disease and accompanying inflammation in the bone (bone loss) i.e periodontitis - your dentist will have work with you to prevent further disease. So it depends what stage your gum disease is.