Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT)

Should I be getting my chronic cough checked?

I'm 24. I've had a cough since I was a kid. I never noticed it until my mom had me checked out for it around the elementary school. I just remember the doctor not thinking it was something to be worried about. At the beginning of this year, it became more noticeable. It's a mix of wet and dry, but not to the point of coughing up mucus. I can easily hold in the coughs when I'm at work (they're aware given COVID) or at the store. When I'm alone, I try to let it all out.

I'm not sure if any of the following is relevant. In 2017, I was told I have exercised induced asthma. After any type of cardio up until that point, I would have a really bad wet cough for at least a day. Around 2018, I started getting post nasal drip to the point where I couldn't breathe correctly while sleeping. September 2019, I finally got that checked and was told I had a small growth in my nose. I've been taking fluticasone spray once a day since then and it's helped with breathing and sleeping. The doctor told me it might help shrink it, although I haven't seen her since to check due to doctors rotating at my school health center. Prior to this, I never had any issues with allergies.

Recently, I went in to get checked for intermittent numbness in my left arm and learned a day later that my ferritin level is at a 7, although I honestly don't know what that means. I'm in the process of doing testing to determine if I'm iron deficient because of thalassemia beta or if it's another cause. I've known about having the trait since 2016 but was never impacted by it. Until it's figured out, I'm not supposed to take iron supplements. I've also had sleep issues since I was about 14. I don't have sleep apnea, but until I get a definitive answer on other sleep disorders, I'm taking Modafinil daily. I'm not sure how much of these things are connected, but I figured it's better to get it all out there.

Female | 24 years old
Complaint duration: 15 years
Medications: Modafinil 200mg, Fluticasone spray
Conditions: Thalassemia beta, low ferritin/iron deficiency, possible sleep disorder

1 Answer

Could be acid reflux. Could be allergy based. Difficult to answer question given history. Best to see ENT. CT of sinuses may be indicated. Pulmonology can do function tests.
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