“Should I still have pain 5 days after my tooth extraction?”
I am a 30 year old male. I had a tooth extraction 5 days ago but it still hurts. Should I still have pain 5 days after my tooth extraction?
6 Answers
Howard Andrew Katz
Andrew Peter Derwin
Sometimes there is pain due to pre-existing infection or due to difficult procedure while extracting the tooth. Dry socket is a condition that could result in pain and additional treatment will be required to resolve the problem. Most times there is discomfort that will subside after several days. If not, go back to see your dentist.
Francisco Portillo Ramos
This may happen, there are other factors that may cause the continued pain. The risk of a dry socket increases with smokers or diabetic, a difficult surgery, may also result in this as well. Grinding your teeth can also cause this as well. The jaw bone necrosing may also occur, therefore, follow up with your surgeon.
Dr. Frank Ramos
Dr. Frank Ramos
Max Olen Kerr
It is normal to have pain and tenderness up to 7 days after extraction. If the pain is extreme, you ought to talk to you dental provider.