Dentist Questions Dentist

Should I treat the cavity or remove the wisdom tooth?

I am a 22 year old male with a cavity on my wisdom tooth. Should I treat the cavity or remove the wisdom tooth?

11 Answers

Discuss with your dentist
What ever is giving you more trouble.
Usually pain should be treated first. If there is not pain, then wisdom tooth extraction should be planned so you can rest afterwards. For cavity filing patient do not need much planning afterwards as the pain/ discomfort is minimal
If it is fully erupted into a healthy gum position with no histories of recurrent gum inflammation, it would be less traumatic and costly to you to go ahead and put a simple filling in it. If it becomes a complex multi-surface filling, you may want to go for extraction.
Most of the time, you should remove the tooth. Unless it’s in functional occlusion, i.e., you can bite perfectly with an opposing tooth. Also, your gum condition must also so be in a healthy state around that wisdom tooth and maintain routine cleaning/check ups. You must also make sure it’s not harming your second molar in front of it, due to angulation. It also depends on how deep the cavity/decay is and your symptoms. So many variables in dentistry that it’s hard to diagnose via messaging without digital imaging. I would get a second opinion from 2 dentists that see you in person. But if you want the average quick answer, after over 20 years in practice and surgeries, 80% of the time, it’s better to extract the tooth.

Dr. J
Treat the cavity. Wisdom teeth are great for chewing. Extractions of wisdom teeth can cause permanent numbing. Consult with your dentist for your particular condition; without X-rays and an in-person exam, it’s impossible to give you the right answer.
If a fully erupted wisdom; able to clean and maintain; depending on extent and size of cavity; if manageable, treat the cavity.
Excellent question. Actually, a wisdom tooth is no different than any other tooth. If it is in alignment and is a functional tooth, treat it like any other tooth. If you do not have room for the tooth, or if it is in a problem position, then treat it appropriately for that.
If the wisdom tooth is not impacted and functioning with the opposing tooth, it may be better to treat the cavity.
Remove the wisdom tooth. You will lose more time and money throughout your life by keeping it. Surgery is more predictable and patients have recovery at younger ages. Consult with an oral surgeon!
This will depend on how well the tooth has erupted, the size of the cavity, and the access to keeping the tooth clean at home. Talk to your dentist about these factors and see what is best for the long term.
Depends on the size of the cavity and the position of the wisdom tooth. Small cavity, erupted healthy position: Yes. Treat it.