Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Knee Problems

Should my child's knee be examined?

My son is 9 years old and he's been experiencing some strange symptoms with his knee. He's told me that he hears a popping sound and often gives out. Should we have it examined? He doesn't play sports regularly and isn't too active in general.

5 Answers

If it was my kid, I'd have him seen by an orthopedist.
I would definitely get him examined. You need to know why he is having these symptoms if they have persisted for more than a few days. Make sure they examine both his knee and his hip. Children can have hip problems that present as knee pain.
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Popping in a knee is normal. Giving out is not. If he is falling or the knee not giving him support, a health care professional should take a look.

If this just started happening without injury, it would be okay to watch for a few weeks. If it has been going on for awhile, getting it checked out would be a good idea.
Yes, he will likely need an examination and x-rays