Aerospace Medicine Specialist Questions Anxiety

Should I not travel if I have chest pains?

Lately I've been suffering from chest pains that make it really hard for me to breathe. I went to the doctor, and we did some tests, and nothing came back from them (which is good for me, but bad because I still don't know what's wrong). He said it could be due to anxiety and prescribed me anti-anxiety drugs. I have a trip coming up at the end of the month, however, if I'm still suffering from these chest pains, should I still fly?

3 Answers

Follow your doctors advice. See what the result of the plan to take Xanax does for your chest pain. An alternative explanation to anxiety is gastric reflux. Your physician should be able to determine the cause of the chest pain.
Hello, I would continue to consult provider about chest pain and as long as they clear you for travel, you can go. Dr. Pam
There could be many reasons for chest pain. If you are having chest pain and shortness of breath and have cardiac risk factors, it is best to see a cardiologist prior to travel to rule out cardiovascular causes. Your doctor should be able to assess that risk. If your doctor prescribed anti-anxiety medications and they are not working, please follow up with your doctor for further evaluation and treatment. It may best to defer your travel until you have determined the underlying cause of the chest pain.