Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Why is my anxiety so high?

I am a 20-year-old girl and I feel anxious about all kinds of things. I don't like feeling out of control of my environment. Why is my anxiety so high?

8 Answers

Needs medication and therapy sounds like
Your age and your demeanor. Change your way of being in control. Accepting things out of our control is good
This is most likely genetic. Seeking professional advice, with some anti anxiety meds and talk therapy can help.
With therapy, you have a good chance to get to the bottom of it and slowly find out reasons.
See psychiatrist for evaluation and possible treatment. Anxiety is common problem and is treatable, you don't have to suffer!

You would need a comprehensive evaluation to sort out possible biologic factors, situational stresses, and behavioral and cognitive patterns that are stress inducing.
There are a lot of reasons why you may be experiencing high anxiety, usually viewed as "situational" and biologic. Since I do not know the details of your life, I cannot comment on the situational aspects that may be playing a role in generating or perpetuating your anxiety. As far as biological determinants of abnormal anxiety, there are anxiety disorders that can be caused by substances (alcohol, cannabis, others), caused by illness or a disease process (Mitral Valve Prolapse, heart arrhythmias, endocrine disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Dementias, to name a few) and those caused by genetics. At 22 years of age, I would wonder if you have a family history of anxiety in your blood relatives, after ruling out all the other potential causes. For example, Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a disorder characterized by chronic levels of worry that wax and wane over periods of time, often to the point that a person is considered a "worry wart." There is a large genetic component to this, but like almost all psychiatric disorders, also has non genetic factors as well.
A good insight into this question is:

Also, specifically look at GAD: