Dentist Questions Dentist

Should old amalgam fillings be replaced?

I am a 39 year old female and I have amalgam fillings. Should old amalgam fillings be replaced?

15 Answers

Only if they cosmetically bother you OR if there is a cavity underneath the amalgam filling.
Hi, I would recommend only replacing old amalgam restorations if caries is suspected or if tooth is symptomatic. Amalgam, although used rarely by today's modern dentist, is a long lasting restoration. I would trust your dentist's judgement on when the appropriate time is to remove it.
Damaged or leaking old amalgam fillings should be replaced. Dental imaging, with photos and radiographs, is good for documenting the condition and helping the dentist plan the replacement material. Some patients have useful older fillings and choose to have them replaced due to the idea that the material is harmful. There is a controversy surrounding this question. If replacement is to be done, then the location of the tooth, the amount of tooth structure and the function of orofacial muscles and joints (grinding of teeth) that overload the material must be considered. Esthetics also plays a role, as does cost. I say, no do not replace, if the material is still good. Fully informed consent by you, the patient, is important.
Absolutely not. Silver Amalgum is still the best material around (agree by most dentists that have used the material) and can last for decades. I have only four shallow fillings which were placed with silver fillings that are over four decades and doing fine.
I wouldn't recommend replacing the old amalgam fillings if they are intact. If they are breaking down or causing cracks on your teeth, they should be replaced. Your dentist can check these for you and let you know.
If they are leaking/failing, then yes.
If they are defective yes. If they are intact there is no reason to replace them unless you have a metal sensitivity , or you do not like their appearance .
Old amalgam fillings need not be replaced unless they are defective or you have recurrent caries.

Dr. Winifred Dike
No. You should replace them only if they are defective or you have recurrent caries.
Unless there is a problem with the existing fillings, there is no requirement to replace them. If you wish to remove them for esthetic considerations, that is your choice.
Not unless they are broken or decayed!!

Some people feel that any amalgam should be removed. Many feel that there is no proof that mercury leaches out of set fillings. Are the fillings still smooth and well sealed at the edges? Can your dentist show you a photograph of your filling? If the edges are rough or dark, decay is getting underneath the filling. If your tooth shows craze lines or cracks, the metal filling may be contributing to the cracking. Metal expands and contracts more than tooth when you eat hot and cold foods. If the fillings were placed when you were a teen, chances are the edges are no longer sealed. My answer is a very definite, "It depends."

If amalgam fillings are defective, they should be replaced. If they are not defective, then replacing them is more of an aesthetic or mercury concern. If it is a mercury concern then it should be noted that once placed the mercury is usually confined to the amalgam, and it gets released into the air (where you can breath it in) when the dentist drills out the old amalgam. Also, it is important to know that if replacing them with a tooth colored filling, these fillings usually contain BPA. If it is an aesthetic concern then that is is simple, they do not look as good as the tooth colored fillings.
Hope this helps.

Best of luck to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD