Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Should you rest after a chiropractic adjustment?

I am a 33 year old male. I will have a chiropractic adjustment next week. Should you rest after a chiropractic adjustment?

8 Answers

Only if you feel tired.
I prefer my patients to rest after treatments if possible. It helps the healing process go faster.
Ask your chiropractor this question. Commonly, you should be able to continue doing your daily chores, but again, it is best to discuss this with your doctor who is rendering your care.
It’s a good idea to take it easy after your adjustment. Don’t do strenuous exercise and try to avoid prolonged sitting. Otherwise just live your normal daily activities.
No need to rest after the adjustment.
Depending on the injury or pain you are seeing the chiropractor for, you should rest accordingly. If you have a back injury and are treated, try not to do a heavy workout after. Daily activity is okay. If just a typical adjustment for wellness and no injury, then no rest needed and return to normal activity. Also ask your chiropractor as they have their own reasons for rest or no rest.

Vishal K. Verma, DC, CCSP

Yes, 30 minutes.
Rest is not necessary after an adjustment. I recommend doing what your body wants, sometimes it wants rest, sometimes you get a boost of energy.