“What can be the side effect of artificial tear drops?”
I have a performance where I am supposed to be using artificial tear drops. This is my first time ever using them, so I'm just wondering if there are any side effects with them.
6 Answers
Generally artificial tears are safe for the eyes but they do contain preservatives so if you use them more than 4 times a day they can irritate your eyes.
None, other than initial cloudy vision depending on the thickness of the eyedrops.
Dr. Raphael Castillo
Dr. Raphael Castillo
As a rule, they are very well tolerated. Some folks complain of burning upon instillation.
Best regards,
David J. Pinhas, M.D.
Best regards,
David J. Pinhas, M.D.
Artificial tear drops are typically harmless. Some people have an allergic or toxic reaction to the preservatives used in them. This rarely happens.
Jose Agustin Martinez, MD
Jose Agustin Martinez, MD
Artificial tear drops are safe; they are just sterile water with solutes to make them comfortable when used.