Dermatologist Questions Kojic acid

What is the side effect of creams containing kojic acid?

I have read that creams containing kojic acid have the ability to improve my complexion and whiten my skin. However, before using any cream I would like to know if there are any side effects?

3 Answers

The main side effect can be a sensitivity to the product. This happens usually when the percent is higher than 1%. Contact dermatitis can be seen.

Suzanne Sirota Rozenberg, DO, FAOCD
Every med and cream has side effects. Your doc's job is to assess that before prescribing. Even simple aspirin has lots of side effects. Trust your doc and use as directed. If you read side effects on any med yourself, then you will be afraid to use ANY prescription. Acupuncture has ZERO side effects, but if you don't believe your doc, then you should not use it.
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Occasionally a patient may complain of a mild irritation