“Son has pain in testicles. Should I be concerned?”
My son is going into puberty, and has opened up to my husband about having some pain in his "private parts" as he called it. In other words, the testicles and the scrotum. My husband passed it off as normal for a kid his age (12), but I'm concerned. I feel like he shouldn't have pain down there even if he's going through puberty. What do you think?
4 Answers
No, he should not have testicle pain. It could be some thing else. Take him to a pediatrician. It could be infection, hydrocele, or torsion. Torsion is an emergency.
I think you should have it evaluated by a doctor. Some growing pains occur during puberty but are more common in bones such as the knees and back. Just to be sure, I think he should get an ultrasound done.
Your son should not be having testicular pain. Please go and & see a pediatric urologist, provided there is one close to you, otherwise see a general urologist. We need to know severity of pain, duration, causative & relieving factors, etc.