What Is Blue Balls and How to Get Rid of It

"Blue balls" is one of the most common health issues seen among young men who indulge in heavy sexual activities. It is the most uncomfortable situation for a man who tries to find immediate relief.
"Blue balls" as it is called is one of the slang terms used for vasocongestion in the testicles. It is a form of testicular pain where the testicles do not appear blue, but, due to increased blood supply, the area trapped by constriction experiences venous blood vessels with a bluish discoloration. Although it is a common male genital problem, it does not happen to all young men.
Symptoms During Sexual Activity
Blue balls is naturally common among men. It is usually accompanied by pain, which can be either mild or severe.
The following takes place when a man gets sexually aroused:
- The parasympathetic nervous system gets activated, which causes an increased flow of blood along with lymphatic fluids around the lower middle portion of the body.
- The muscles are stretched and the fluid outflow constricts, which increases the fluid concentration.
- The blood pressure around the regional area increases, causing an erection for a longer time, which is part of the sexual activity.
- The testicles get harder and they slowly increase in size by 25%–50%.
- The testicles remain hard, but the moment the man reaches orgasm and ejaculates, the constricted muscles relax and the additional fluids flow out completely. The testicles then return to their normal size.
Causes of Blue Balls
When a man's sexual arousal is prolonged and he cannot ejaculate, the pressure keeps building over the lower abdominal part of the body. The bodily fluids start flowing continuously, causing congestion in the testicles and the prostate region. The blood is deprived of oxygen and starts turning bluish, hence the term "blue balls."
Process of Vasocongestion
The medical term for blue balls is vasocongestion, which is similar to the cramp-like pain in the lower abdomen. The lower abdomen experiences a lingering sensation of becoming heavier and a feeling of discomfort around the lower middle portion of the body. The problem is somewhat similar to women having pain in their lower abdomen, called "pink ovaries" or "pelvic congestion."
Treatment for Blue Balls
Blue balls, or vasocongestion, can be very painful. However, it does not cause any physical harm to the person in the short or long term. The condition is neither contagious nor considered an infectious disease. When a man experiences it, it can be extremely uncomfortable, but it is certainly not a life-threatening condition or medical emergency.
The pain takes time to subside. Sometimes, it takes 30 or 40 minutes to an hour to overcome the painful situation. If a man is looking for immediate relief, the only option is to ejaculate by masturbation or with the help of genital stimulation to induce an early orgasm and ejaculation.
The entire process is based on the parasympathetic nervous system, which slowly reduces the flow of blood through the genital area and dissipates fluid build-up.
Blue balls is painful, but not a serious health condition. However, if the condition remains painful for a long time and the pain is severe, it is best to consult a doctor to be certain about the cause and nature of the pain.
Most Common Sexual Issue
Generally, young men who indulge in sexual activities for a longer time suffer from such painful and uncomfortable situations. When a man is engaged for about 40–50 minutes in sexual activity, his testicles remain erect for a longer time without any relief. The lower portion of the testicles starts aching and becomes very uncomfortable.
Blue balls is part of a prolonged state of sexual arousal. Normally, when a man is aroused, an increase in blood flow occurs in the genitals, which then causes an erection. However, if the man does not ejaculate, the sexual process is prolonged and starts building pressure in the lower abdomen.
The painful sensation may intensify. First, it would be mild, but later may become severe. The testicles start to hurt and swell due to the prolonged increase in blood flow. Sometimes, the pain is so intense that it can be worse than getting kicked in the crotch.
The problem can be resolved, but sometimes, it takes time. The best way to reduce the pain is to masturbate and try to ejaculate. Sometimes, even ejaculation causes congestion in the testicles, but soon, the pain will subside. In the case of over masturbation, a man has to wait for a while and stop masturbating until the flow of blood is reduced and the pain completely disappears.
Most men experience blue balls during excessive sexual activity. The problem is common among young men during intense sexual behavior. The aching sensation in the testicles is not a serious health issue, but is a part of the sexual aspect of every young man.
Testicular Aching
Another term for blue balls is testicular aching. It mainly occurs when the male genital organ is stimulated with an increased flow of blood.
- The blood fills in the vessels of the male sexual organ and can become painful when the sexual process is prolonged. The sexual activity mainly depends on the orgasm and ejaculation, which help reduce the pain.
- During sexual activity, when a young man becomes sexually excited, the arteries that carry the blood in and around the genital area and the veins are constricted while carrying blood from the genital area compared to the veins in the non-aroused state.
- The uneven blood supplies traps the blood in the two chambers of the penis. This results in an erection. The increase in blood supply to the abdominal area around the testicles and the trapping of blood inside them decreases the cause of vasocongestion, or engorgement of the testicles. It helps increase the size of the testicles by 25%–50%. The severe swelling of the testicles becomes painful, adding to the discomfort and leading to what is referred to as blue balls.
When a man is aroused, reaches an orgasm, and then ejaculates, the flow of blood to his genital area becomes normal. The testicles also return to their normal size and offer complete relief to the person in question.
The problem of blue balls generally starts only when ejaculation occurs within the time limit and when the sexual activity is prolonged. It causes a lingering sensation, aching feeling, and discomfort in the penis and scrotum. Failure to ejaculate leads to severe pain due to high blood pressure in the lower abdomen caused by continued vasocongestion.
Reasons Behind Blue Balls
The blue balls condition does not last long. It comes under control within a short time after ejaculation. Generally, it is caused by failure to ejaculate on time, which can build frustration and disappointment. The frustration can lead to helplessness, which creates unnecessary pressure on the sexual organ.
The preventable situation becomes more intense when a man starts experiencing pain in his lower abdomen. If the pressure continuously builds up, then, naturally, the flow of blood increases and the vessels become constricted. One has to relax under such conditions, but, due to sexual desires, the situation becomes difficult to control. A prolonged erection starts hurting and the flow of blood turns bluish in color.
Most men find masturbation to be the most viable solution to help reduce the pain and divert their attention from the uncomfortable situation. It also aids in reaching the desired result, which not only offers the feeling of satisfaction, but also assists in ejaculating faster without any difficulty. But surely, it is not a long-term sexual health problem, and men who suffer from it start understanding the situation, since it is one of the most common sexual states every young man goes through.
Painful Sexual Situation
Painful sexual situations are common, and men and their partners have to show patience during such occasions. One has to remain relaxed even when there is pain; the more a person responds to the uncomfortable sensations, the more severe the pain becomes. So, one should stay calm and try diverting the mind away or be playful with one’s partner and handle the pain with understanding.
One should attempt to find pleasure while handling the pain by trying to ejaculate sooner. This releases the male organ from pressure and returns it to its normal size. It helps reduce the unwanted blood supply to the male organ. Men should also learn how to show their partners confidence during such situations, as it helps to overcome the severity of the pain in a short time.
Men and their partners must learn to enjoy their sexual activities with or without ejaculation. Ejaculation is a part of sexual activity that increases the excitement and pleasure during love-making. Most men who think that ejaculation is necessary during any sexual activity are unnecessarily putting their partners under pressure without understanding their partner’s feelings.
Men should completely understand their partners and their ways of having sex to make their sexual activity more enjoyable. Both men and women should learn to enjoy sexual life without having to reach for ejaculation and orgasm during intercourse.
Common Sexual Issue Among Men and Women
The problems men face during prolonged sexual activities are also common with women, too. Men are not alone in having such sexual issues, as women have a similar sexual problem called "pink ovaries" or "pelvic congestion." Thus, the discomfort of unrelieved vasocongestion occurs in both sexually active genders.
During sexual arousal, a woman's genitalia are activated with the increased flow of blood, similar to what happens when a man is aroused. Women may feel heaviness in and around the pelvic area if they do not reach an orgasm. The area around the pelvis experiences an aching sensation with mild pain if the situation is prolonged for a while during any sexual activity. Women need to reach an orgasm to achieve relief.
How to Handle Blue Balls
- Men should always talk to their partners about blue balls, which is a common condition felt during sexual activity.
- Always show your partner confidence to avoid creating unnecessary doubts or misunderstandings.
- The partner, while engaged in sexual activities, can help avoid such painful situations by offering emotional support and caring attention.
- One should lie down if the pain persists. Slowly massage the genitals to create a calming, relaxing effect.
- Taking a hot water bath can be very helpful. It reduces the pain and brings the blood flow back to normal.
- Never lift heavy objects, as this might increase pain in the abdomen and its surrounding area.
- To avoid experiencing blue balls, both partners should understand each other well. It is good to be sensitive enough to your partner while engaging in sexual activities.
- When you understand and follow each other’s needs, such painful conditions can be easily avoided with little difficulty.