“My son's school isn't taking his nut allergy seriously. How can I make them understand?”
I've been back and forth about my son's school about what he can and cannot be around because of his nut allergy. When I talk the the principal and administration, and nurse, they seem to understand over the phone and email. However, my son's teacher isn't quite getting it. My son almost had a serious reaction because someone brought in peanut butter, and on Halloween, he came home with two Reese's products that his teacher gave him. It just seems very careless. How can I make the teacher understand the severity of his allergy?
2 Answers
Anaphylaxis to nut allergy is very serous and can be deadly. They are also not likely to outgrow it. A face to face with the teacher may help. You could possibly get statistics from doctor to give the teacher. Please educate you child not to eat foods he is unsure about.
Because your son's life could be at stake, you need to help his teacher to recognize the seriousness of the situation. Find information online on what foods contain nuts, which your son should avoid, and give it to the teacher. Then, if she gives any of such foods to your son, have your lawyer call the school.