“What could be the reason for sudden weight gain around the abdomen?”
I am a 34 year old woman and lately, I have been suddenly gaining a lot of weight around my abdomen and hips. What could be the reason for this?
5 Answers
Different conditions may account for this but metabolic syndrome lack of adequate exercise and diet are common causes but other medical conditions as well and medical testing may be necessary

Deepa Patel
Family Practitioner
Time to see your PCP. You may be retaining water around your belly or some other issue. You may need blood testing and/or other imaging study.
Most common reson in this age group of female patients is insulin resistance also sub clinical hypothyroid, intestinal bacterial imbalance and hormone imbalance, lack of exercise and diet imbalance.
There are a lot of things that can cause weight gain. It is possible it could be hypothyroidism or increased steroids either taken by mouth or from increased stress. It’s possible that there could be some type of a liver issue going on that is causing a back up of swelling due to blockage or dysfunction of the portal system. It certainly could be right sided heart dysfunction or a low albumin level in your blood. Sometimes increased abdominal swelling could be an abdominal or pelvic mass such is a benign or cancerous tumor. Of course the most frequent cause is excessive caloric intake or a diet that is very high in simple carbohydrates.