“Symptoms of jock itch”
I have had it for weeks and every time I sweat and am hot my groin itches a bit and when I am traveling and do not shower everyday there will be like a moist sports in the groin area of my underwear that has some kind of a bad odor?
Do you know what that is and how do I treat it?
I am traveling the world right now and can not talk to the doctors here or the people in the pharmacy because of a language barrier.
Male | 20 years old
7 Answers
Yes, I'm sure it is what you say, also called Dhobies. It is a fungus infection of the skin. An anti-fungal such as miconazole powder, lotion, or tincture needs to be applied 2-3 times a day. Look online if you can for fungal remedies available to you in your country.
Hygiene plays an important role as you mentioned. So try to keep it dry. Avoid underwears which does have good ventilation (contains nylons etc). Use 100% cotton underwear and use a hair drier to dry up after taking shower.