“What is the treatment for the ringing sound in my ears?”
There's like this weird sound in my ears, like the ringing of a bell. Is there treatment for this? Is it real or all in my head?
6 Answers
Ringing in the ears is often called Tinnitus. If you have a constant ringing, static, cricket, or roaring sound in your ear/ears it would be good to have your hearing tested. Tinnitus can be associated with hearing loss, medication, noise exposure, head injuries but it is not imaginary. The best treatment for tinnitus involves testing to see what causing it, amplification/ hearing aids programmed for you to mask the sound of it is bothersome, and counseling to learn how to redirect your brain’s attention to the sound.
If the bell sound comes and goes We call that transient ear noise and most people experience that occasionally
It’s good to try and play music, turn a fan or sound machine on at night, prevent being in a very quiet room when the bell sound is bothering you. I would recommend getting a hearing evaluation by an audiologist to talk about your symptoms.
If the bell sound comes and goes We call that transient ear noise and most people experience that occasionally
It’s good to try and play music, turn a fan or sound machine on at night, prevent being in a very quiet room when the bell sound is bothering you. I would recommend getting a hearing evaluation by an audiologist to talk about your symptoms.
That sound is called tinnitus. It's very common. Be careful with what you believe about it online. It's typically a symptom of hearing loss, but may also be caused by stress, medications, noise exposure, ear wax, etc. The first step would be to see an Ear, Nose and Throat (i.e., ENT) physician who also has an audiologist. They will review your symptoms, the audiologist will perform a hearing evaluation, and they will be able to tell you potential causes. In most cases, but not all, there is no cure for tinnitus. If it is a new symptom, it is not necessarily permanent. See an ENT physician and audiologist and go from there.
Most likely the ringing in your ear is caused by some pathology usually in the inner ear. The difficulty can occur from many years of noise exposure. There are a number of treatments for this type of problem called tinnitus. I would suggest that you contact an audiologist in your area That deals with the treatment of tinnitus.
Hello, the sound you hear is categorized as tinnitus. It is a symptom of something. It is real, however without a full diagnostic evaluation, it is hard to determine the cause. If you would like to have an evaluation, please call our office at 84-432-5555.