Neurologist Questions

vestibular neuritis

hi, i am expreriences some strange issues and have not yet found what it is despite many medical checkups.
i am unsteady and dizzy, my ears feel discomfort, slight headache, nausea, headache, poor concentration
its been almost 3 months
etc, what could it be

Female | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Medications: nul
Conditions: nul

2 Answers

It's hard to say without much information made available. See a Neurologist or if there's one in your area available a Neuro-Otologist ( specializes in Neurological disorders of the ear ). Vestibular Neurnitis could be one of several possibilities.  Good luck. Dr F. Sent from AOL on Android
If this is episodic ( come and go). If it all happens at the same time, then they are probably migraine headaches, for which there are both daily preventative medications and as-needed medications.