Homeopathic Physician Questions Seasonal Allergies

What are some natural ways to relieve allergy symptoms?

I have really bad seasonal allergies in the fall and spring. I usually just take antihistamines, but I don't like how they make me drowsy. Are there natural ways to relieve allergies?

11 Answers

i do have supplements that will assist with this issue. please call the office for further information. 269-339-3921 D. Jill
Hi, nettles, quercetin, and vitamin C are my go-to supplements for allergies. I have also found that addressing possible gut health issues can make a big difference too.
Read here: https://philaholisticclinic.com/allergy-medicine/
Great question as we enter allergy season in many parts of the world. The use of nettles; both in tea and pill form makes a huge difference to combat the allergic response. Many folks also derive relief from reducing and/or eliminating mucus-producing foods; such as dairy and animal products. Spring is a great opportunity to do spring cleaning in our bodies-as we lessen inflammatory foods and exercise outside, we help our body's immune functions. Vitamin C is one of the best ways for our bodies to have healthy defenses. Increase your antioxidant foods, such as all berries, carrots, beets, etc. Look to your natural and colorful foods to provide vitamin C. ( not Skittles)! Lastly, at least 8-10 glasses daily of nonchlorinated spring water. Feel better soon!
I have. Sometimes I have made a simple recommendation such as Airborne immune during the seasonal allergy season. If severe, please consult your healthcare provider.

Best is quercetin tablets take 3 twice a day. Stop gluten and alcohol and dairy.
Dr. Beilin
Yes, there are natural or immune supporting remedies you can take over the counter. I would check in with your naturopathic doctor to help with immune support starting with gut health and histamine support.
-Yeast drops
-Anti-hist crystal star

Dr. Liz
Most people do not understand the reason as to why get seasonal reactions in both mostly to the spring and fall.
When people get these reactions it is due to nutritional deficiency. People get these reactions because when Minerials are missing in the diet, other naturally occuring seasonal chages, this causes them to get sensitivities (allergy Symptoms).
You need Blood Work to check your Eosinophil level or count. If High you need another test called the RAST Test or ImmunoCap to check your allergy titers. Then avoid theses substances and make life style changes.
Allergies are an overactive immune system, best said. responding to harmless foreign substances... there are some wonderful products that may assist within your discomfort... check into Seagate dot com and the olive leaf nasal sprays ~ will assist within immune response & relief thereof towards any fungal bodily load... and the immune modulator NSC Beta glucan... alters the immune response where and when in need... however as always dietary changes can aid the detoxification systems of the body bring much relief.