“What are some tips for avoiding cavities?”
I find that I'm getting a lot of cavities over the past few years. What can I do to avoid them?
9 Answers
The two main factors at play here are nutrition/diet and oral hygiene habits. I would recommend regular cleanings and examinations, as well as discuss proper oral hygiene habits specific to your needs based off of your diet/nutrition with you dental professional. This also can vary depending on medications that you may or may not be on. I hope that this helps.
Brush after meals, use fluoride toothpaste and fluoride rinses, and watch your diet with sugars. See a dentist every 3 months.
There are many things to do to help avoid cavities:
-Floss before you brush at least once a day, after every meal is best
-Brush at least once a day-just before bed is best, after every meal is best.
-Drink only water or milk between meals. Most other drinks have a high acidity content that causes cavities, and diet drinks are just as bad. Things you add to water are acidic as well.
-If you chew gum or eat candy, make sure it is sweetened with Xylitol; it helps prevent cavities.
-Avoid sticky, chewy, sugary snacks, as they stick to your teeth and are big contributor to cavities.
-Check with a physician and see if you have acid reflux, it can be a contributor of decay.
-Too many acidic fruits too often in your diet can contribute to cavities.
-A post-floss and brush high and ACP (amorphous calcium phosphate) medicament applied to the the teeth just before bed and left on can greatly reduce cavities.
-Many medications contribute to dry mouth, which is a big contributor to tooth decay since saliva helps reduce bacteria and remineralize your teeth and prevent decay.
-See your dentist regularly for exams and teeth cleaning.
This is a good list of Do's, Don'ts, and things to check on that will go a long way to prevent cavities.
Dr. Grimm
-Floss before you brush at least once a day, after every meal is best
-Brush at least once a day-just before bed is best, after every meal is best.
-Drink only water or milk between meals. Most other drinks have a high acidity content that causes cavities, and diet drinks are just as bad. Things you add to water are acidic as well.
-If you chew gum or eat candy, make sure it is sweetened with Xylitol; it helps prevent cavities.
-Avoid sticky, chewy, sugary snacks, as they stick to your teeth and are big contributor to cavities.
-Check with a physician and see if you have acid reflux, it can be a contributor of decay.
-Too many acidic fruits too often in your diet can contribute to cavities.
-A post-floss and brush high and ACP (amorphous calcium phosphate) medicament applied to the the teeth just before bed and left on can greatly reduce cavities.
-Many medications contribute to dry mouth, which is a big contributor to tooth decay since saliva helps reduce bacteria and remineralize your teeth and prevent decay.
-See your dentist regularly for exams and teeth cleaning.
This is a good list of Do's, Don'ts, and things to check on that will go a long way to prevent cavities.
Dr. Grimm
Avoid carbonated drinks and try to pay attention to the areas of your diet that are inclusive and sugar-packed like snacks cookies, cakes, all starches, and how much sugar you actually load up to a cup of coffee. Once you've done an assessment of the amount of diet effect, you can better control the number of cavities that your dentist is going to find between check-ups. Also, carry a travel brush.
Brushing 2x day (morning and night) with a SOFT or EXTRA SOFT toothbrush, FLOSSING 1x day, a healthy diet high in vegetables and low in starchy carbs and sugar, drinking water, not grazing or continually sipping on sugary beverages (or milky beverages) throughout the day, NOT rinsing with water or non-fluoridated mouthrinses after brushing.
Have wine, soda pop, juice, milk, any mixed drinks with meals. Otherwise, drink water only. Eat healthy snacks. Rinse with water after all meals. Brush well and floss each night before bedtime. And do not eat drink after this til morning.
There are several things you can do to reduce your cavity rate. Obviously brushing and flossing regularly are important. You should avoid or limit foods that are high in sugar and starch, especially if they are sticky and tend to hang around in your mouth for a long period of time. Frequent sipping of soda or juice is very destructive as the high sugar content combined with the high acid content is especially harmful. Water is the best thing to drink as it helps clear the food and moistens the mouth. Many medications can lead to dry mouth, which increases cavities. In some cases a prescription strength fluoride toothpaste can be prescribed by your dentist.