“What are the side effects of acupressure for someone with dengue?”
Male | 47 years old
Complaint duration: From last month
Conditions: Very weak muscular and body pains
21 Answers
I practice acupuncture which is stimulation to the acupuncture points with needles. I do not practice acupressure.
If the patient is unable to travel that often for treatment, there will be almost no side effects to acupressure if the points applied are provided by an acupuncturist who has seen and diagnosed the patient. There may be discomfort, however, from the pressure itself. Do not use points found on the internet. These points are based solely on symptoms and may not reflect what is actually happening within the body. Diagnosis by a licensed acupuncturist is crucial.
Secondly, I rarely use acupressure on patients but from an acupuncture perspective you could use it to manage body aches/pains and reduce fever. In terms of side-effects, there shouldn't be many when using acupressure since nothing is breaking the skin.
In my experience, patients experience the quickest and longest lasting results when using acupuncture over acupressure.