Acupuncture Questions Acupuncturist

How can I treat chronic fatigue?

I have chronic fatigue. How can I treat chronic fatigue?

19 Answers

Depending on the causes, you may need both acupuncture and herbs.
Depending on the age and the history, etc. with clinical Qigong, we can revert the fatigue.
I recommend to my patients a homeopathic treatment for CFS. Find more here:
Hello ., cronic fatigue is a condition that has many layers and possible different causes ., in other worlds these are many diseases In one ., physiologicals and psychological stress are ones of them., there is a very possible solution with the use of different methods including the use of herbs., acupuncture and other medical holistic approach corresponding to a multidisciplinary techniques ., first of all we need to focus in the Restauration of ur immune system and organ balance treatments . We need to find out causes of the disease and help ur system to regain homeostasis . Best regards Dr Cabrera .
Hello! Chronic fatigue is hard to treat without knowing the root cause. For example, if it's due to something like a viral infection like EBV/mono, then treating the virus is important for treating the fatigue. If it's due to poor sleep, then optimizing that is our goal. It can be due to multiple factors such as stress or nutrient deficiency, etc. I would recommend seeing a provider regarding your concern, but for at home ideas, meditation and qi gong can help cultivate qi and bring up energy as well as ensuring you are receiving adequate REM sleep (practice good sleep hygiene), hydration (good water intake), and nutrients (diet and supplements).
You can try acupuncture it can treat chronic fatigue.
With Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can treat chronic fatigue and gain energy!
Yes it  can be permanently cured with Homeopathy Treatment . Very effective medicines are there in Homeopathic  With my treatment of 1.5 month you will get permanent relief. Will prescribe the complete treatment You can consult me now through online     Warm regards.
Chronic Fatigue is a condition that needs to be identified by your family doctor or a rhumatologist before you are seen by a reflexologist. Then the reflexologist can see you and help you by triggering ear points that will identify the body areas that may trigger your fatigue.

The sessions wil help you to feel better and also to know where your weaknesses are in your whole body. Many things can create the fatigue starting with scars, stress, allergies, your working place, earrings and so many other crietria.

Take time to question yourself and listen to your body answers.
It depends on the cause
Acupuncture can help with chronic fatigue, as can some herbal formulas.
The source of all the body's nourishment is the soul. The affects of negative energy affect its spiritual state requiring a a spiritual life cleanse that metaphysically restores the body back into a balance state along with pure holistic solutions from a divine meditation practice to hydration water therapy breaking down inflammation to awakening the higher heart so that as the spiritual state comes back into alignment - peace is restored and the ailments are purified/cleansed. Our Holistic Clinic works with patients from all chronic ailments to restore freedom from negativity manifest as diseases.
It depends on the cause. a propper evaluation is advisable.
Chronic fatigue is a complicated condition to treat. It really depends on the stage of fatigue you are in. I generally have my patients take a salivary 24 hour cortisol test to see what the adrenal function is doing. Once there is a map of the function, I can then determine what stage of chronic fatigue the patient is in and treat accordingly. There are great adaptogenic herbs for fatigue, however some stimulate and some suppress cortisol, so you really should know what your cortisol is doing. Some supplements can make the symptoms far worse.
I would look into clearing up any gut issues. Chronic Fatigue is linked to leaky gut. Try cutting excess sugar, and extra caffeine. I would get on a multivitamin, as well as a probiotic. I would also suggest an epsom salt bath, 3x a week. 1 cup of salt in very warm water.
Chronic fatigue can be treated with massage, acupuncture and herbs, probably King herbs. Over time you should see improvement and get this fixed gradually.
Chronic fatigue is a complex situation that often requires a deeper workup. Many of my patients with chronic fatigue feel better after we balance their neurotransmitters, adrenal glands, thyroid, blood sugar, and mitochondria.
There are lots of things that can contribute to chronic fatigue, and there are several potential treatments for the issue. I'd have to know a lot more about you and your fatigue before I could make any concrete suggestions.

Some things you might consider:
Acupuncture/Chinese medicine
Conventional medicine