Dentist Questions

What are the side effects of mouthwash?

I am a 27 year old female and I use mouthwash. What are the side effects of mouthwash?

5 Answers

Most don't have side effects. However, certain products like Listerine Total Care and chlorhexidine can stain teeth.
Mouthwash that has alcohol can be a carcinogen over many years of use more importantly alcohol is a drying agent which kills a lot of the good bacteria and could lead to further periodontal problems I strongly recommend mouthwash without alcohol and prefer a natural ones if possible

Best Regards,
Dr. Mark Berkowitz
The side effects of mouthwash are as follows: Fresh breath, clean teeth, less microbes living on you tongue, reduced cavities and more friends. That is if you use a ADA accepted mouth wash and not some organic non accepted brand.

Dr Jensen
That question is very specific to the particular mouthwash that you are using. Some contain alcohol, which can be undesirable. Others can contain sugar or other undesirable ingredients. I suggest that you review the ingredient list, and ask your dental professional for further clarification.
There is no real side effects but if a mouth wash contains alcohol, it tends to feel like it burns. chlorhexidine 0.12 rinse has atendency to stain the teeth but the stain could be removed, plus that it can alter your taste. Peroxide base rinses may make your mouth foam as you use it.