“What are the side effects of radiation treatments?”
I am a 53 year old female who will be undergoing radiation for breast cancer. What are the side effects of radiation treatments?
3 Answers
Radiation treatments are local treatments, affecting usually the area of treatment. Therefore for breast cancer generally are skin reactions such as erythema, desquamation and hyperpigmentation. the radiation oncologist will prescribe skin emollients to help with the skin reactions. another common side effect is fatigue that improves with rest .

Dr. Joshua N. Halpern
Radiation Oncologist
The effect of radiation does not spread in your body. Breast irradiation could affect only the breast and the chest wall and a small area of the lung underneath which usually should not cause any significant consequences.
Side effects are mainly skin similar to when you expose to sun . It starts with mild redness to moist reaction under the breast and lower part of axilla if patient has big breast or pendular breast. Skin reaction is usually visible after 2-3 weeks into treatment, sooner in the one receives prior chemotherapy. Older patients skin reaction shows later , sometime it may shows almost near the end of treatment.Skin reaction may be more intense in patient who has collagen disease such as SLE. Long term side effects : the breast may be felt firmer. The cosmesis should be good with new technology of radiation treatment. What ever you have after surgery should be what you have after radiation treatment. Remote complications such as rib fracture, damage to lung or heart is extremely rare.