Dentist Questions Dentist

What are the symptoms of a bad root canal?

I am a 27 year old male. I want to know what are the symptoms of a bad root canal?

8 Answers

I would not ever think that you get a bad root canal... sometimes, root canals need to be done once or twice... to get rid of all the infection
There is often pain, though not necessarily. Pain biting, to heat, cold, pressure, touch. Spontaneous pain, throbbing, dull or sharp, constant or come and go. There may be no pain in a tooth, but referred to the jaw, ear, head, sinus. Sometimes there is no pain whatsoever, but your dentist will see bone loss or infection on the X-ray. Sometimes swelling will be present, or just pus draining through the gums. See your dentist for definitive diagnosis.
Good Luck.
It could be pain on biting on that tooth, swelling, loose teeth, gum boil, deep pocket next to the tooth, pus drainage, shadow on X-rays, or sometimes no symptoms.
Sometimes there are no symptoms, but an X-ray of the tooth will show that there is an infection. Other times, there is pain and or swollen gums.
Pain on biting, swelling, gum boil.
The symptoms of an infected or failing root canal can range from severe pain and swelling to no pain or symptoms at all. If one is concerned about the possibility of a dental infection, I would recommend they see and endodontist for a consultation regarding the issue,
It is usual to experience discomfort after root canal procedures. Multiple clinical research indicate that patients could experience post op discomfort/pain up 6 months. Please follow up with your dentist 2 weeks after the root canal procedure, referral to an endodontist for a second opinion if needed. Good luck!
There could be any number of symptoms of a tooth with a failing root canal, or it could also be completely symptom free. However, since you ask, possible symptoms could include discomfort to pressure, chewing, swelling, sensitivity to hot or cold, pain in the bone, jaws or gums. The only way to determine for sure if a root canal is failing, you should visit a dentist and have them take a current xray and perform a battery of tests.