“What are the symptoms of a bunion?”
I've recently started experiencing a lot of toe pain, especially around my big toe. Is this a bunion?
15 Answers
What causes the pain over the bunion? Shoes that are narrow put pressure on the skin, nerves and bone. Numbness or tingling may also develop as the nerve gets compressed against the bone by tight shoes.
A bunion is a bump on the side of the big toe, due to malalignment of a big toe joint. the other sign of a bunion is the big toe drifts towards the second toe. Other common conditions that cause pain in the big toe: gout, nerve issues, turf toe, ligament tear, tendonitis. Hope this helps, I recommend that you see a podiatrist if any persistent pain continues, pain is not normal.
A bunion is a bump on the side of the foot just in front of the big toe joint. Your pain could be the result of a bunion but it could also be something else.
Do you have a bump forming? If you do it could be a bunion, if it is at the joint of the big toe it could be arthritis causing the pain and the motion of the big toe is not as good as it use to be.
Bunion pain is typically on the side of the foot close to the big toe. It’s usually associate it with a deformity with the big toe angled toward the lesser toes. If you have pain and the tow itself it could be something called Halex rigidness which is an arthritic condition and usually painful on top of the town where it meets the 4 foot.
Toe pain has many causes: arthritis, hallucinations, limited hallucinations, abducto valgus, excess pronation, and 100s of other causes. See an experienced dpm or md.
Not necessarily. Can be stress fracture, nerve irritation due to improper shoe gear, gout, infection, swelling extra. Difficult to say without examination
A bunion is a bony bump at the base of the big toe. The main symptoms of bunions are stiffness in the big toe joint, pain, swelling and occasionally redness at the big toe joint.
A bunion is pain on the inside part of the joint where the big toe connects to the foot with inward angling of the big toe, making a bump that can rub on the inside part of that joint.
Bunions are genetic changes in the foot resulting in a growth of bone and widening of the front of the foot by the great toe joint. This can become painful and make shoes difficult to wear.
A bunion is a deformity in which the Hallux (big toe) is laterally deviated and the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint. Most pain begins with pain at the medial eminence (the 'bump' at the inside of the forefoot) from rubbing on shoe gear. There may then begin to be joint pain with motion of the joint and activity. There are many other reasons for pain at the big toe. It could be an ingrowing toenail, arthritic or functional issues with the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint, tight or inappropriate shoes, and the list goes on. It is best to see a Podiatrist to evaluate what the issue actually is before deciding on a diagnosis or a treatment.