Dentist Questions Oral Health

What are the symptoms of a dental issue?

I haven't been to the dentist in ages, but I feel like I haven't experienced any symptoms of a dental problem. What are the symptoms of an issue?

7 Answers

Pain, sensitivity to hot and cold, bleeding gums. Then the silent problem: decay. Unless its in dentin there is no symptom. Also depending on a person’s pain threshold, some people are not sensitive to obvious dental problems that normally cause discomfort.
Gums, decay, chronic infection
This is a very general question and difficult to answer. The main issue that I look for when not seen in a while is a "gum infection" or periodontal disease. This would be noticed through dark red gingiva, swollen gingiva, exposed root surface, bad taste/breath, and bleeding while flossing. Other symptoms of an issue are pain in the teeth or movement of teeth. Unfortunately, many dental issues are not felt until it is too late for a simple solution and this is why frequent visits for evaluation are recommended.
Most dental issues don’t have any symptoms. People often say, ”It doesn’t hurt.” It only hurts when it's moderate to severe. There are so many “dental issues” and each has its own presentation. It’s always best to prevent dental disease. Follow the recommendations of your dentist and not the internet.

Be happy my friends, happy mouths make happy people.

Dr. Jensen
There are many symptoms but here are a few: hot or cold sensitivity, bleeding gums, bite sensitivity, discolored or decayed teeth.
It can range from anything as simple as bleeding gums, to something as significant as swelling. If you notice any issues when you are eating or talking, that usually means there is an issue. But, maintenance is just as important as waiting for an emergency.
Most people understand that periodic dental exams are important. Unfortunately there are still a group of people who don’t believe it and they may decide that it isn’t worth showing up for their periodic exam. However, even people who visit their dentist regularly may not understand exactly how important it can be. They assume it’s mostly for the prevention of damage to the teeth and gums; of course that’s true, but it’s not the whole story.
You can read more about dental problem in my website page: "Ask Your Dentist"
However all story even is not about you teeth but as well as your gum. A competent dentist can also address all types of gum-related issues by treating the cause of the problem. Plaque and calculus in the teeth and elsewhere can damage gums and cause gingivitis (gingival inflammation) or periodontitis (inflammation of both the gums and tissues that supports teeth). These illnesses can lead to gums that are recessed or overgrown, halitosis (bad breath), itching and pain, and even teeth mobility, where teeth seem to “float” around the mouth. Toothpaste will never be enough to deal with these problems.
If you have not visited your dentist for a periodic exam and are noticing worrisome symptoms such as long lasting discoloration, ulcers, or any other unusual changes in your mouth, now is the time to contact an experienced dentist.