“What are the symptoms of thyroid problems in females?”
I am a 37 year old female. I want to know what are the symptoms of thyroid problems in females?
2 Answers
Major symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, cold sensitivity, constipation, dry skin, and unexplained weight gain.
The symptoms of thyroid disease are about the same in males & females except that women may have menstrual abnormalities which men, of course, can not. There are several types of thyroid abnormalities: hyperthyroid, hypothyroid, benign thyroid nodules and malignant nodules. I don't know which of these you are asking about but I will concentrate on hyper & hypo. Hypothyroid or low thyroid is the most common & more common in women than in men. It can have several causes but is most commonly caused by an autoimmune effect in that the immune system attacks the cells of the thyroid & kills them. The thyroid may then enlarge as it tries to remain functional. This enlargement we call a goiter. When the thyroid can no longer compensate for the destruction , all bodily functions slow down from lack of the hormone needed to stoke the furnace. Heart rate slows as does the gut causing constipation. You may feel very tired and draggy. If the problem continues the brain may be affected & thinking & reasoning suffer. There may be skin changes & leg swelling. There are other symptoms but if you have the early ones see a Dr because you can be treated & avoid permanent damage. Hyperthyroid is too much thyroid the opposite of hypo or low. So the symptoms are the opposite. All organ functions speed up. Heart rate increases, gut goes too fast & may cause diarrhea. You can't sit still & feel hyper pepped up & then fatigue easily. You are hungry & eat more but still loser wt. This can cause permanent damage of the heart with failure & even be fatal. Again see a physician since this also can e treated with no lasting effects.