Neurosurgeon Questions Tumor

What are the treatment options for head tumors?

My friend was diagnosed with a head tumor. What are the treatment options for head tumor? Would he need it removed?

2 Answers

Observation with serial mri, surgery or radiation are options.
Is the tumor malignant? If so, there are as many treatment regimens as there are tumors, and not all of them require surgery. If the tumor is not malignant it may not require treatment at all. Meningiomas are the most common non-malignant tumors.They usually grow slowly, over decades. They do need to be followed with scans at specified intervals to be sure there are no unexpected changes, such as sudden growth.They often need to be removed in this case. Also, just because the tumors are benign, doesn't mean they can't cause trouble. As they grow slowly, they may end up pushing on important brain structures. If the tumor is in an at-risk location because of the structures around it, it is often removed.