Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

What can I drink for acid reflux?

I am a 23 year old male and I have acid reflux. What can I drink for acid reflux?

2 Answers

Change your diet. See your specialist and get a proper diagnosis to rule out more serious issues.
If you are SURE you are having frequent reflux symptoms(ie-heartburn), then any non-acid containing beverage may help reduce symptoms temporarily(including water and milk.) But it would also be helpful to AVOID consuming any carbonated or alcohol or acid containing drinks--like soft drinks, fruit juices, tomato juice, etc. You could also avoid any acidic, greasy, or spicy foods that cause symptoms, and losing weight may also help..

Alternatively, if still symptomatic, you could try taking OTC antacid tablets or liquid antacids(ie-Mylanta, etc) when symptomatic. But you would get even better relief by taking famotidine or cimetidine--which may be more effective. and last longer. Lastly, if your symptoms persist, seeing a good internal medicine or family MD would be wise.