Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

What can I give my 4 year old for a cold?

My son is 4 years old and he has a cold. What can I give my 4 year old for a cold?

2 Answers

The short answer is simple: nothing. There are no products, none that are effective for a cold. Once a child, or adult, has a cold, it has to run its course. Medications are useless. Keep him well hydrated, get good sleep, and keep him comfortable. If you choose to give medication, realize that you are not helping at all, and there are potential side effects. One caveat though: if Zinc lozenges are started on the first day of a cold, the cold duration may lessen by several days. The dose is not clear, follow directions on the label from the pharmacy. But it must be started on day one.

Dr. K

The typical "cold" is caused by a respiratory virus that will resolve on its own. Keeping your child comfortable and well hydrated is important for the healing process. Depending on his/her symptoms, your pediatrician may be able to recommend some therapies that you otherwise wouldn't think of. Rarely, what you think is just a cold may be more serious. For symptoms
that last more than 2-3 days, or if there's significant breathing issues or other concerns, see your pediatrician for evaluation and treatment.

Shelley C. Springer, MD, MBA, MSc, JD, FAAP