Psychologist Questions Social Anxiety Disorder

What can I do for social anxiety?

Sometimes my anxiety is so bad that I don't even want to leave the house, and because I'm so nervous around so many people, it really has affected my relationships. What can I do for social anxiety?

8 Answers

Work at believing you are the best you can be. Walk tall, proud as you own your world. Remember we are all different but all equal. The person who will not accept you- it’s their loss
Dear Sir/Madam:

I am sorry to hear that you are suffering from Social Anxiety preventing you from interacting with other human beings. You do realize the importance of socializing otherwise would not have reached out. Besides adversely affecting relationships it also affects our brain's functioning. Brains of people with Alzheimer's when stop socializing decay faster than those who continue to socialize. You can seek therapy from a licensed Psychologist to get to the roots of your social anxieties and heal from them. The therapist can also help you get desensitized so you can overcome the unnecessary fears and mingle with people. You may also seek group therapy so can get accustomed to being with people and extend that comfort level to others that you come in contact with. Until you find the right therapist start reading Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund J. Bourne. 

Take care,

Dr. Lata Sonpal
In order to handle anxiety, we need to be curious about others and not be wrapped up in ourselves. If you have social anxiety, it means you are using the Third Eye (of Eastern Religion) to judge. The Third Eye evolved to give us the gift of overview. It is a gift that enables us to think of two things simultaneously. One part of our brain can observe the other part of our brain in an overview. In other words, I can be talking to you, and at the same time, I can observe how what I am saying is received. I can be observing myself as I talk to you and whether what I am saying is true or for effect. The Third Eye is a holy gift of evolution, the way I see it. The Third Eye sees, and seeing is change. When we observe ourselves hating, we can minimize it. If we observe ourselves lying, we will naturally reduce our lying. If we observe ourselves jealous, we will gradually reduce our jealousy. Another way of saying this is self-awareness creates self-correction without even trying.

However, the Third Eye only sees when we are not judging. One cannot observe clearly when we judge. We taint what we see. Judging actually blinds us to seeing. We can judge others or judge ourselves by misusing the Third Eye. So, social anxiety is the result of judging ourselves. However, you should know this: People who judge ourselves judge others. If you stop judging yourself, you can stop judging others, and visa versa. All this is to say, let go of how you look. Be authentic. Be curious about others. That way you will be your most attractive self.

Dr. Faye
Social anxiety can be treated with medication, psychological therapies, or a combination. The psychological therapies that are effective include cognitive behavioral therapy, which helps to revise the thoughts that occur when social situations are imagined or directly experienced, and behavioral therapy, which gradually exposes a person to the anxiety-producing situation in a way that extinguishes the anxiety response. I do not specialize in treatment of social anxiety, but a number of psychologists and psychiatrists do. You should consult a mental health professional in your area, as they could be helpful.

Keith Nuechterlein, Ph.D.
I recommend finding a cognitive behavioral therapist who can work with you to address your social anxiety. The intervention of choice would be a formal exposure protocol that increasingly helps you to confront rather than avoid social situations. It is likely a pervasive pattern of avoidance that has led to your social anxiety worsening; exposure helps to break the pattern of avoidance and retrain the brain to understand that social situations are not inherently dangerous.
Look for a psychiatrist and group therapy for treatment.
Go see a therapist. Or try little by little leaving your house and going out of your comfort zone. Just go farther and farther every day or week
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