“What can't you eat with bonded teeth?”
I am a 45 year old female. I want to know what can't you eat with bonded teeth?
3 Answers
You can eat what you want, but bonding can chip easily in some cases. Because of this, it is wise to not bite into crunchy foods such as hard bread, apples, almonds, pecans, bacon, hard candies, etc with the bonded teeth. Also, it is better not to use the bonded teeth to open packages or rip tough foods.
Good luck with your bonding!
Good luck with your bonding!
First of all, I will need to make the assumption that when you say "bonded teeth" you are referring to front that have had some "veneers" or tooth colored restorations restoring broken teeth placed by a dentist at one visit. In this case there is really nothing you "can't eat",you just need to modify the way you eat certain foods with some veneers or "bonded" front teeth. You should be very cautious with any food that you typically bite into with your front teeth-like pizza, sub sandwiches, certain hard vegetables, corn on the cob, chicken. You would be best to cut them up and eat with your side teeth.